500 Midvale Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19082
The Lord’s Day
October 23, 2022
Sunday Service 11 am
“Who Am I?”
In-person:Beverly Hills Church
500 Midvale Road • Upper Darby, PA 19082
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Meeting ID: 860 0274 0088
Honor the Lord with your stewardship offerings
to sustain our worship and work in our community and world.
By mail: Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church, 500 Midvale Road, Upper Darby, PA 19082
Online: You may now also choose to contribute through an online giving form.
Proverbs 3:9-10
9 Honor the Lord with your wealth,
with the firstfruits of all your crops;
10 then your barns will be filled to overflowing,
and your vats will brim over with new wine.
Sunday Service
Welcome and Announcements Jane Henwood
Opening Prayer
Father, I Adore You – Once Again
Responsive Reading – Psalm 65 (insert)
New Testament Reading – Revelation 1.12-20 p. 1747
Sermon “WHO AM I?”Pastor Tung
The people come forward for the offering.
Prayers of the People
Hymn 370 – “Rejoice the Lord Is King” Darwall’s 148th
Blessing and Dismissal
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Thanks be to God!
Father, I Adore You
Father, I adore you Jesus, I adore you …
Lay my life before you Spirit, I adore you …
How I love you
Once Again
Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice
You became nothing, poured out to death
Many times I’ve wondered at Your gift of life
And I’m in that place once again
And I’m in that place once again
And once again I look upon the cross where You died
I’m humbled by Your mercy and I’m broken inside
Once again I thank You, once again I pour out my life
Now You are exalted to the highest place
King of the heavens, where one day I’ll bow
But for now, I marvel at Your saving grace
And I’m full of praise once again,
I’m full of praise once again (Refrain)
Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross, my friend (repeat)
Words and music by Matt Redman
Verse 1
Almighty God my Redeemer
My hiding place my safe refuge
No other name like Jesus
No pow’r can stand against You
Verse 2
My feet are planted on this rock
And I will not be shaken
My hope it comes from You alone
My Lord and my salvation
Your praise is always on my lips
Your word is living in my heart
And I will praise You with a new song
My soul will bless You Lord
You fill my life with greater joy
Yes I delight myself in You
And I will praise You with a new song
My soul will bless You Lord
When I am weak You make me strong
When I’m poor I know I’m rich
For in the power of Your name
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
CCLI Song # 2245140
Darlene Zschech
- © 1997 Wondrous Worship (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)
For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com
CCLI License # 2447555
All Things Are Possible
Verse 1
Almighty God my Redeemer
My hiding place my safe refuge
No other name like Jesus
No pow’r can stand against You
Verse 2
My feet are planted on this rock
And I will not be shaken
My hope it comes from You alone
My Lord and my salvation
Your praise is always on my lips
Your word is living in my heart
And I will praise You with a new song
My soul will bless You Lord
You fill my life with greater joy
Yes I delight myself in You
And I will praise You with a new song
My soul will bless You Lord
When I am weak You make me strong
When I’m poor I know I’m rich
For in the power of Your name
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
CCLI Song # 2245140
Darlene Zschech
- © 1997 Wondrous Worship (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)
For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com
CCLI License # 2447555
Psalm 65
1 Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion;
to you our vows will be fulfilled.
2 You who answer prayer,
to you all people will come.
3 When we were overwhelmed by sins,
you forgave our transgressions.
4 Blessed are those you choose
and bring near to live in your courts!
We are filled with the good things of your house,
of your holy temple.
5 You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds,
God our Savior,
the hope of all the ends of the earth
and of the farthest seas,
6 who formed the mountains by your power,
having armed yourself with strength,
7 who stilled the roaring of the seas,
the roaring of their waves,
and the turmoil of the nations.
8 The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;
where morning dawns, where evening fades,
you call forth songs of joy.
9 You care for the land and water it;
you enrich it abundantly.
The streams of God are filled with water
to provide the people with grain,
for so you have ordained it.
10 You drench its furrows and level its ridges;
you soften it with showers and bless its crops.
11 You crown the year with your bounty,
and your carts overflow with abundance.
12 The grasslands of the wilderness overflow;
the hills are clothed with gladness.
13 The meadows are covered with flocks
and the valleys are mantled with grain;
they shout for joy and sing.
The Session meets for prayer Tuesday at 8:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. – Morning Worship
Pastor Tung preaching
Acts 2.42-47 – Psalm 119.137-144
“I gave in, and admitted that God was God.”
– C.S. Lewis
Hinduism, Saudia Arabia, Senegal